Ultra high-quality 4K & HD Royalty-free Video Footages with Green Screen. Premium green screen royalty-free stock video footages give you an opportunity to cover different creative projects and types of video performance & shows. 4K Green Screen Video Footages produced for: motion designers, filmmakers, media and advertising companies and entertainment industry.
Need some inspiration
See what you can do with our greenscreen showgirls and watch the directors cut of Performing Pixels by Pirouette®
Impressed? Just dive in and select the showgirls for your own video-project. Our well curated catalogue of costumes and look-themes will help you to find what would fit best for you.
Select your Showgirl
To lazy or no video editor near?
We can customize! Customize just for you in an exclusive way to bring you the performing showgirls onto your special event. Please have a talk and get into us.